LAB stuff & Interests

creative space for Anders Porsbo


This frontpage is created to have an overview of the sub domains where I host specific stuff about my interests.

Currently the webpage it self is a project in itself, as I am hosting it using an AWS bucket, meanwhile learning HTML5 and CSS.

The code for the site is stored using AWS CodeCommit, and uploading to the bucket hosting this site is done by python Boto3 scripts. All development of the site itself is done on a EC2 micro instance. This instance is not running a public IP, but by learning to write AWS Lambda functions I created a function taking a CloudWatch alarm, that triggers the Lambda Function on 'running' and 'stopping' events, thus updates of DNS records is done through Route53 DNS Service, such that the A records always point to the newly created EC2 instance. An ofcourse also deleting A records in Route53 when an instance is stopped.


This site is a small space where I write about stuff I am playing with.


Anders Porsbo married to Didde, Father of Frigga and Røskva, Master of Science and Computer Systems Engineering


Autorola A/S as Infrastructure and Operations Technical Lead